All posts by Sara

All the rest 2021

Here is a quick post to summarize what we’ve been up to since we got back from Tahoe. We celebrated birthdays.

Adam’s 14th birthday celebration included personalized Oreos that were as delicious as they were good looking 🙂
Lyon’s birthday celebration at Sakura left us very very full

My birthday celebration was perfect, low key after many full days of Christmas celebrations. I even managed to get exactly one picture of evidence where I’m making a weird face for some reason.

Celebrating my birthday with Rosie who stole Jon’s seat

In October, We took a trip south for a couple of party nights and days in Irvington with the Bralys.

Boating with the Bralys
Captain Braly
Ready for a night on the town in Irvington, VA

From Irvington, we headed to Greenville where we once again managed to take no pictures. We got to catch up with Mike and Terra and we went to see a bunch of houses for sale, but nothing that made us want to buy buy buy right away. After that we headed to the coast, for a lovely stay on Isle of Palms.

Exploring Fort Moultrie National Historical Park with the Cubellos
A fun night out full of grits in Charleston

We explored neighborhoods around Charleston too, but there are so few houses for sale and they are so much more expensive than a year ago that it’s easiest to put off making any housing decisions for now!

After Tahoe, I thought I’d make more of an effort to go hiking. Alas, we’ve really only made it out on one hike since then at Rock Creek Park. We have explored a couple of local parks a bit more, but walking on a paved trail doesn’t really count.

Rock Creek Park, so beautiful in the Fall
Hiking selfie

Jon flew out to San Antonio for a few days for a golf trip with his dad and brother Jeff. They were so in sync they managed to be color coordinated and everything.

We had the pleasure of dog sitting Milo while Jen basked in the sun in Curacao. Our step counts went way up with a dog to entertain.

We had a fun night out in Annapolis, going to a dinner and a comedy show. Even though this was pre-Omicron, my covid-xiety soared for a bit afterward. Ugh.

And last but not least, we spent Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family in Bowie, MD.

Thanksgiving feast time
Thanksgiving feast time
Thanksgiving feast time
My random Christmas gift for Adam – it’s a bit harder to inflate than I’d hoped, but hopefully he’ll still get some good lounging time in
Our annual family photo probably took less than 100 takes, but I lost count after a while!

We hope everyone is safe and well. Happy New Year!