All posts by Jon

Kiwi Weekend

On some of our trips back to the US, we flew on Air New Zealand and connected through Auckland, but never with enough time to leave the airport. Auckland seemed like it would be an interesting city to explore so we planned a short trip to do just that.

For those unfamiliar with the location of Auckland, NZ

(fun fact: maps without NZ is a thing)

It’s only a 3 hour flight, but in the summer there is a 3 hour time difference. We left Brisbane at 6pm on a Thursday and arrived into Auckland a bit after midnight. A short cab ride took us to our Airbnb (free w/ credits left over from the Japan debacle) which was on the 30th floor of a downtown building. It had some great views!

Views for days

Our plan Friday was to explore nearby Waiheke Island – a 40 minute ferry ride away – mostly known for its wineries. Don’t worry, we managed to find a few breweries as well! We started off a bit slower than desired as the 3 hour time difference took more out of us than expected. But, we made it to the ferry and over to the island for some adventuring after acquiring much needed coffee.  It was beautiful and a world away from the hustle and bustle of the city. After getting back into the city late, we found that there wasn’t much open, but luckily the one thing that was ended up being a delicious dumpling restaurant. 

Departing Auckland


Winery lunch!


Peaceful island




Waiting for our return ferry

Saturday was for exploring around Auckland, apparently without our camera. We found some craft beer bars and interesting shops around town.


Sunday our flight wasn’t until after 7pm, so we had the day free to explore. We stuffed our luggage into a locker at the ferry terminal and then headed over to see the Sky Tower and check out the Sunday market there.  As we walked around we came across floats that were being set up for the (unexpected because it had been delayed from the week before) Santa parade. Some were quite elaborate!


After that, we hopped on a train to head to One Tree Hill for a bit of a hike to take in the views.  On the way there we stopped at a Malaysian restaurant to fuel up – I had Laksa and it was delicious! One Tree hill is part of a large park complex, so quite a few others had the same idea on this Sunday afternoon.

View from One Tree Hill

We then headed back into the city to relax a bit before catching an Uber to the airport for our flight back to Oz.

City View


Japan part 2 of 2 – The Rest

Well, when we landed back in Australia after our trip to Japan 3 months ago, we had grand plans of how many blog posts we could do about Japan. Unfortunately, we’ve settled back into not-traveling mode and have been slacking on blog posting. So, I’ll try to make this one epic.

All of our lodging in Japan was done via Airbnb and we picked places as a group and everyone was happy.  Unfortunately, Japan instituted new laws regarding short term holiday rentals 2 weeks prior to our arrival.  That caused both of our Tokyo rentals to be canceled at the last minute, including one on the day of check-in right before we got on the plane in Singapore. Chaos! In the end, it all worked out, but our lodging choices weren’t the perfect ones we had so painstakingly researched and chosen as a group.  The only good news was that in addition to refunding money for canceled reservations, Airbnb also gave us a credit equal to the amount of the reservation.  So we ended up spending maybe $300 for 6 nights of lodging for 4 adults in Tokyo!

So, upon arrival into Japan, Sara and I found an ATM and withdrew our first 25,000 yen.  Japan is still a bit of a cash based society, which goes against my nature.  I have trouble with Australian cash as there is a coin that is worth $2 and I’m always afraid of losing it.  Well, Japan as a 500 yen coin which is worth about $5.  Anyway, we took this cash and used it to buy a PASMO card – a stored value card used for the trains and metro all over Japan.  You can also use it to buy things from vending machines and convenience stores.  Hmmm… the Japanese appear to have invented a less convenient credit card.

Enough babbling, lets get into the highlights.


In an early email when planning the trip, Jen mentioned there wasn’t much she *had* to do, but the MarioKart adventure was one of them.  I was a bit skeptical of what to it would be like, but it exceeded my expectations and then some.  We got costumes, go carts and toured the streets of Tokyo for about an hour and half without being run over by anyone. People took pictures of us. We are now minor celebrities, possibly D list?  Jen even took GoPro video!

Ready to roll

Gentlemen, start your engines.

The princesses

The squad


I knew that the Japanese loved baseball, but I had  no idea what the experience at the game would be like.  We went to a game between the Tokyo Yakult Swallows and Hanshin Tigers which was sold out with half the stadium supporting each team.  The supporters of the team batting would be chanting and singing the entire time they were up.  The Swallows had a song and dance they would perform with mini-umbrellas whenever they scored.  Our friendly seat neighbor lent us an umbrella so we could participate and the Swallows were kind enough to score 4 times so each of us got to umbrella dance. The stadium experience also included super tiny seats and women walking around with mini-kegs in backpacks selling tap beer.  Unfortunately, the Swallows came up one run short and lost.

Live action at the ballpark

Great day for a ballgame


Unsurprisingly, there is no shortage of bars in Japan.  Mike is a big whiskey fan and I’ve been known to enjoy beer.  The craft beer scene isn’t very big in Japan, but the whiskey scene is, along with the tiny bar scene.  Our first night in Japan, we went to the Golden Gai and stopped at three bars that each could hold a total of about 5-10 people.  All were very different experiences and all very fun.  Everywhere we went, we managed to find neat little bars to pop into and have a drink.  When we were in Kyoto, we even found beer vending machines, which was one of my favorite things ever. Kanpai!



Craft beer bar in Kyoto, woo!

Bar 2 levels below ground.


While we were in Kyoto, we managed to tour a few of the major temples and they were beautiful.  We thought we lucked out with only some light showers when we explored the shine gates at Fushimi-Inari Taisha.


Endless gates

Unfortunately, that was just the start of what turned out to be the remnants of a cyclone, causing flooding and landslides all over Japan.  It even killed an elderly women by blowing her over, seriously. We braved not so light showers and not so small crowds to see The Golden Pavilion Rokuon-Ji Temple.


We also got to experience Buddist chanting at the Obakusan Mampukuji, a Zen Buddist temple. We never would have come across this particular temple, but we took a tour with a local guide who brought us there and it was quite an interesting thing to witness.

More temples

Chanting monks

Assorted Touring

In other touristing adventures, we wandered through the Rikugien Gardens, a peaceful pocket of green in the midst of Tokyo.

Very peaceful

We also walked around the Tsukiji fish market area. There is a famous auction that you can watch if you are willing to get up at way too early o’clock. We were not willing so we just walked around the area once it opens to the public at the very normal hour of 11 am. By then things are winding down and there isn’t much activity, but it was interesting to see how massive the it is.

Fresh fish!

We also went to Odaiba which is an artificial island in Tokyo bay with great views of the city skyline.  Randomly there is a miniature (but still large) version of the Statue of Liberty there.  Not sure why.

Selfie with skyline

Random Fun

There are so many arcades all over Tokyo. So. Many. We popped into a few and got to watch Mike tear up the dance floor.

Busta move

Sara and Jen managed to decode enough of a Japanese photo booth to create these amazing photos.

Mike and I skipped this.

I was entranced by a very serious man playing a train driver game while wearing a uniform and gloves. I am pretty sure it wasn’t an actual training simulator given it was in the middle of a random arcade, but why the uniform and gloves?

And while you are walking around Kyoto and working up a sweat, don’t worry, cold refreshing beer could be just around the next corner.

Is anything more fun than a vending machine that sells cold refreshing beer?


We took so many trains! There is one line that does a big circle around Tokyo and since most everything we did and both places we stayed were near this line, we took it all over.  At the least “peak” time, trains come every 4 minutes or so and are full! Regretfully, we were never shoved onto a train by a white gloved attendant – I had heard that was a thing.

Our Shinkansen for the trip from Tokyo to Kyoto

Which stop was it again?

The Crew

First Night

Whiskey Bar