All posts by Jon

Carolina on my mind

After two years without going on my annual golf trip, I was getting a bit antsy.  Luckily my family lives in Raleigh, just an hour north of our golf trip location, so I was able to combine a visit with family with the festiveness of Golf Trip and a bonus side trip to see Mike at Clemson.  I get more vacation days than Sara, so I didn’t have to sacrifice any fun trips with her to make this work! 2 weeks in America, woo.

Big bird

I hitched a ride (for free!  Thanks 2013 HandelTech business travel!) on the Qantas Airbus A380 to Raleigh via Los Angeles and Charlotte.  I had a challenging connection at LAX and my golf clubs ended up a flight behind me, but all in all I made it fairly unscathed, if a bit jet-lagged.  Certainly better than our experience in December.  I had a good couple of days visiting with my family despite two plus days of torrential rain.  I got to hang with Natasha and Nick a good amount along with my dad and step-mom.

Nick right before he lost a shoe to the mud.

Then it was off to meet the mates in Pinehurst, NC for what was an annual trip (8 years in a row leading up to 2014 for me) before I left for Australia.  The boys managed to scrape together a trip without me in 2015, but not in 2016.

Erik, Zack, Chris, me, Drew, Chad

Lots of golf was played, along with Kan Jam when we got home.

Afternoon activities

And how could we not choose King Cobra 40oz as our drink of choice given it’s $2 price tag.  It helped dull the pain of 36 holes of golf and Capitals losses.

We have defeated the King Cobra

After Pinehurst, it was off to Clemson to meet up with Mike and see what he was up to in South Carolina.  He was a great host – in a day and half we got in a trip to a local brewery, grilled massive steaks, watched the Caps win and even played golf.

A rare Mike appearance at a golf course.

Then it was back to to Raleigh for more family time.  I saw Natasha’s softball team score an epic walk-off win and again went kayaking with Nick on the small pond behind their house.  I even managed to get in a round of golf with my dad.  I also provided numerous, much need IT services for the household.

Natasha’s final softball game

I headed back to Australia via the epic Dallas – Sydney route.  For a while it was the longest flight in the world, now I think it is #3 or something.  It was a 17 hour flight.  Luckily I was able to sleep for quite a bit of it.  Then thanks to my arrival to Melbourne via Sydney, Sara was able to meet me right at the gate!  Woo.

Long time, no blog

Jeez – we are slacking here down under. Over 2 months since we’ve posted anything. We haven’t really done anything that on its own would be considered “blog worthy”, but we have compiled quite a few smaller adventures that when combined reach that lofty threshold.

So, here’s what we’ve been up to since our road trip to South Australia.

Beach Day

We whinge quite a bit about the “summer” weather here in Melbourne.  But finally we came across a day (February 4th to be specific) where the Melbourne weather was suitable for a trip to the beach.  So, we packed up the Esky, strapped our backpack chairs on and headed to the train station.

Public transport to the beach!

It was easy to find a spot on the beach and just relax.  Getting in the water was even enjoyable. We even observed someone using a wooden spoon to put suntan lotion on their own back, so we’ve got that going for us, which is nice.

On our way back home we decided to stop and see the famed “Brighton Beach Boxes” – that people pay upwards of $300K for.

They are neat to look at, and probably wonderful to have, but probably not worth that amount of money on a beach that has (in my humble opinion) maybe 10-15 good beach days a year.

International T20 Cricket @ the MCG

I think we’ve mentioned before that the T20 version of cricket is our favorite – since it fits into our 3 hour attention spans.  The other versions are “one day” which lasts about 8 hours and “test cricket” which played over 5 days.  No thanks!  We’ve been to a few KFC Big Bash League (what a name!) T20 games, but never to a proper international match.  So, when the Aussie international T20 team was going to play against Sri Lanka in Melbourne we wrangled up some mates and headed down to the ‘G.

Ultimately the Australian team lost on the last ball, which was sad, but very exciting to watch.  Of course, this being Melbourne, just a short time after our beach day it was practically a winter day once the sun went down and the wind tunnel effect of the ‘G picked up.

White Night

An annual event in Melbourne is White Night.  They light up all sorts of buildings with art and it is pretty neat.  Note we are wearing fleeces in the summer. It runs from sunset to sunrise, but being a couple of oldsters we made it out and back home before midnight.

Yarra Valley Beer Tour

For my birthday, friends of mine gave me a voucher for a beer tour.  Did you know we like beer?!  We met a small bus near the main Melbourne train station at 10am and headed about an hour to the northeast of Melbourne to the Yarra Valley.  Us and 9 new friends headed to various breweries and cideries to try all sorts of beers for the next 6 hours.

Ashlee’s 40th

Our friend Ashlee celebrated her 40th birthday in style by throwing an 80s themed birthday bash at a bar.  We’ve mentioned before how Aussies take their dress up parties seriously.  This was no exception.   It was a blast and I had an excuse to wear my fluoro.

Formula 1 Grand Prix

Every year, the Formula One season kicks off with a race in Melbourne.  We’ve never been to any sort of car race before and this one was a 15 minute walk from our house, so we went!  The cars are fast and loud.  We saw the F1 cars do practice laps and the V8 Supercars in a race.

F1 Car
V8 Supercar

That should about catch you up what we’ve been up to for the last few months.  I promise the next few months will be much more rewarding for blog lovers.  Our friend Jen is popping in for a visit so we’re meeting her on arrival in Sydney (in less than a week!) before she makes her way to Melbourne (via Cairns) just as I’m leaving to go to the US to visit family and play golf. Stay tuned!