Category Archives: Random Musings

Hey look kids, there’s Big Ben and there’s Parliament

As Sara mentioned, I had my first official driving assignment of our stay last weekend.  Luckily it worked out much better than Clark W. Griswald’s experience in London.

The adventure began with the car rental.  I rented from Hertz in the CBD because they would be open on Sunday afternoon when I preferred to return it.   I thoroughly researched my planned route from Hertz back to our apartment.  Hertz decided to throw me a curve ball though and had parked the car across the street on the 5th floor of a garage (car park here in Australia).  So, here I am trying to get used to the wrong side of the car and I’m met with what I can only call a diabolical garage design.  To get down from each floor I had to make TWO left hand U-turns to / from a super narrow ramp.  The walls were marked with others’ failures.  After a few adjustments, I make it down the first ramp and then I get to watch a guy park a BMW.  I hope it wasn’t a rental, because as he was backing it in, he raked it along the concrete pillar next to his spot.  The definitely made me a bit more methodical on the next four floors.

Finally free from the garage, I discover I have been dumped onto an unexpected street.  All of my preparation was for naught.  I manage to make a few correct turns and see the street I need to make a right on.  Then I see the sign:


I’ve been on the city streets less than a minute and I’m met with the dreaded hook turn?  NOPE.  The car park experience had left me feeling extra cautious so I made a nice safe left followed by a mid-block u-turn (Note: may have been illegal) in order to proceed on the road I wanted to originally turn right on.

Luckily the rest of the route back to the apartment was as planned in relatively light traffic.

Feeling bold, I even drove to my basketball game that night while repeating my Australia driving mantra in my head: “The right turns are the dangerous turns”.

The next morning my navigator (Sara w/ Google) put me on a course to the Mornington Peninsula.  Since I’m sure you’ve already read about our adventures down there, I won’t go into the details.

There are lots of things that are awkward about driving here for me. I tend to drive on the very left edge of the lane because since I’m on the wrong side of the car, it feels like I’m too close to the right.  The prevalence of traffic circles is much higher here, and others seem much more confident at entering them at high speed.  They don’t use yellow paint for the center line, so it can get a bit confusing if there are no other cars around.  The turn signal is on the right side of the steering well.  For this rental, I had 3 unexpected windshield wiper engagements by thinking the turn signal was on the left side.  I think that is pretty good.

One weekend of driving under my belt, it was time to return the car.  I made it all the way to the edge of the CBD when I remembered I needed to get gas.  I consulted my phone and found a gas station just a bit away from Hertz, but I’d have to again throw away all of my route preparation / memorization.  So, with a new route to the gas station quickly memorized, I proceed on course – and am met with some kind of protest march.  No idea what it was for, but a u-turn was in order and with a few left turns I’m back on course.


I arrive at the gas station and see a sign like this.  This autogas seems nice and cheap!  Unfortunately, I need unleaded “petrol” – autogas is actually liquified propane gas and a surprising number of cars here are outfitted to run on that. I proceed to pump gas while trying to figure out how to convert Australian dollars per litre to US dollars per gallon.  I give up when the pump stops.

Now to finally drop off the car.  One right turn to make and I have no trams to deal with *and* a right turn arrow.  I get to the Hertz and am left with one last extra narrow concrete driveway to conquer.

All in all, it wasn’t as hard as I remember when we visited here in 2011.  Maybe it is the mindset that if I’m going to be driving anytime soon, it is going to be on the left.  Or maybe I’m just older and wiser.


Stuff and Nonsense

2015-03-30 14.09.02

In my typical fashion, I managed to get sick within a few weeks of entering this foreign land. I had my first diagnosable (i.e. non- “common cold”) illness in a long time, an ear infection. Ack. It was awful, but luckily being in a country with socialized medicine has great perks. Even though I’m not working, I have a medicare card with which I was able to see a doctor on a Sunday afternoon, get a prescription and get it filled in less than 30 minutes. I’d probably still be waiting to see my doctor in Arlington. I’m on the mend and trying to enjoy my last week of unemployment…

… That’s right – I got a job! I start on 4 May and so wish me luck!

I haven’t been doing much since I’ve been sick, but Jon and I managed to get out of the apartment to celebrate Anzac Day (Australia’s version of memorial day) . We went to the Caulfield RSL (Australia’s version of the VFW) and took in the culture. The Caulfield RSL is quite the place and includes a full bar, restaurant, pokies (slot machines), a sports book and more. On Anzac day and only on Anzac day, an Aussie-invented game of chance called two-up is legal and enthusiastically played throughout Australia. Jon and I observed this custom which is quite entertaining, progressively so in fact which I attribute to the cumulative amount of beer consumed.

two-up on Anzac Day
two-up on Anzac Day

In other news, Jon shaved his head so those of you worried about where this hair thing was going can breathe a sigh of relief.

Angry Jon / Festive Jon
Angry Jon / Festive Jon