Category Archives: Random Musings

One month in…

Well, I’ve been here a month now and am settling in to a routine.  I’m running on the trails and have even been playing in basketball leagues.  It is beginning to feel normal to be here.  Sometimes I even forget I’m in different country / hemisphere.  Then I go to catch a tram or train and find myself standing on the wrong side of the platform.  I still look both ways twice when crossing streets.  Oh, and then I see strange things that seem familiar in grocery stores.  Like this cereal:

Rice what now?
Rice what now?

Or I happen down the baking aisle and stop and double take when I see eggs.  Yes, eggs, not refrigerated.


Early on when I got here I went to a comedy show, and the Irish comic compared Australian culture to how schoolkids act when the teacher leaves the room.   I’m finding that description apt at times.

2015-04-12 16.02.04 2015-04-16 11.37.43

There was just of video out of their prime minister skolling (chugging) a pint of beer at a bar and it is just kind of shown on the news as a funny thing that happened.

I have signed up for a carshare service here, so my next goal is to take up driving so I can stop carrying groceries and beers back from the stores.  Also, I can become more confused by life here driving on the wrong side of the road from the wrong side of the car.  “Turn on Red” doesn’t seem to be legal.  Oh, and I’ll have to deal with trams and “hook turns”.

St Kilda Penguins

I’m gonna hug them and kiss them and love them forever…


A skeptic by nature, I was not sure the St Kilda Penguins would live up to the hype, but they sure did. Jon and I braved the gale force winds and chill to head out on the pier and were rewarded with numerous penguin sightings. Woohoo!

(Bonus points for anyone who can identify the cartoon character who I’m channeling in my intro line)