Category Archives: Travel

Goings on

Yeesh, we’ve been slacking on the blogging lately. Since our last post, there have been a few adventures.


Sara’s company was celebrating it’s 20th anniversary and to do so in style, they took the whole company (including families) to Fiji for Easter weekend.  It’s was a short (3.5 hours) direct flight for us from Brisbane, woo.  All expenses were paid, so there was much eating and drinking!  Our room was a ocean view Bure (Fijian style villa) and it was wonderful.

Relaxing in Fiji

There was a bit of stress with a category one cyclone passing near us on the second night.  It was very windy and quite loud, not an experience I’d like to repeat.  The next morning, we awoke to a lot of standing water and quite a bit of debris that washed ashore.

A bit of debris on the beach

So that was a bit more excitement than we bargained for, but the rest of our time there was quite enjoyable and relaxing.


In the summer we made it to a NBL basketball game and a T20 cricket match. Now that the seasons have changed, there were some different sports on offer – including a quadrennial competition, so it was time for more!

First, the Commonwealth Games were coming to the Gold Coast.  We decided the best option would be to pick a sport that we would otherwise never see live and then make a day out of a trip to the Gold Coast (which is about 1.5 hours away, but the event ticket includes free train travel).  After narrowing down our options to Squash, Weightlifting or Badminton – we decided on Badminton!  But first, time for beers!

Beachside beers

We live just down the road from Suncorp stadium, which is the rectangular stadium used for rugby and soccer.  We chose to go see the Brisbane Broncos play – they are a rugby league team.  When we were in Melbourne went to a rugby union game.  Don’t ask me what the rule differences are, because I have enough trouble following the game.  I think rugby league is meant to be the more exciting of the two.  It certainly has a much larger professional league in Australia.  Unfortunately, the Broncos lost.

Very rectangular

The Brisbane Lions are the local Aussie rules football team.  They play at the Brisbane Cricket Ground, otherwise know as the Gabba (it is in the suburb of Woolloongabba). They’ve been pretty terrible the last few years and are doing about the same this year (currently 17th out of 18 teams).  Unsurprisingly, the Lions lost.

Worst picture ever?

USA Trip:

As I’m always up for an excuse to travel across the world, I decided I’d join my mates for the annual golf trip to North Carolina again this year.  This year we were treated to glorious weather with the courses all in great condition.  Our golf skills remain as mediocre as ever.

Chris, Erik, Chad, Jon, Drew

I combined the golf trip with a stopover in California to see my mom and brother both coming and going.  Jeff and I even managed to sneak in a round of golf.

On the shores of Lake Tahoe with Mom and Jeff
Jeff rocking the CA socks

I also stopped in to see my friend Mike in SC.   Shockingly there is no photo evidence of the time I spent with Mike in South Carolina.  We played golf and ping pong,  ate tacos, grilled steaks, drank beer and sat in disbelief as the Caps actually beat the Penguins in the NHL Playoffs.  It was a good time.


We are still loving the Brisbane weather.  The autumn / winter here has been pretty great.  Still shorts weather and days full of sunshine.

Winter is nice for walks on the beach

I’m still golfing with my Australian mates as well.


West by Southwest

After ruminating on how to get my family to Australia for Christmas and, gasp, my 40th birthday, I had what I thought was a brilliant idea, let’s all meet in LA instead. It would be easier for Jon and I to fly to the West coast rather than all the way back East and flights from DC to LA should be plentiful. Of course, booking flights is never easy so there was some difficulty and miscommunication between me and Jon on our flights and scarce options led to some late night flying for my family. Sigh. Fortunately, by the time we actually went to LA all that was behind us so and we could have the fabulous fun trip I’d originally envisioned.

None of us had ever spent much time in LA so we used our time there to the utmost. We checked out downtown LA where we sampled delicious food at the Grand Central Market and browsed through the Last Bookstore.

Grand Central Market

We gathered supplies for a Christmas Eve in from Whole Foods in the Grove. My brother-in-law, Lyon dared to ask the friendly worker in the beer section where we might find some Pliny the Elder, a very hard to find highly sought after beer. My sister Alison and I were skeptical at once and thought Lyon silly for asking. It turned out we were the silly ones as the guy came through with a stash in the back. With plenty of food for grazing and plenty of beer for drinking we spent the evening catching up at our Airbnb.

On Christmas, we observed our tradition of having Eggs Benedict before heading off into the unknown, Universal Studios on Christmas Day.

Christmas Morning – Santa comes to LA

Would it be empty with people choosing to stay home with family on Christmas? HA. Not a chance. It was jam packed with clever people like us, hoping it wouldn’t be crowded. It didn’t really matter, we embraced the chaos and thoroughly enjoyed the experience, especially the Harry Potter ride.


Our other Christmas tradition is to have prime rib for Christmas dinner. Luckily, Lawry’s, famous for their prime rib, is in Beverly Hills. They were closed for Christmas so we just nudged our tradition one day later and were rewarded with an amazing feast without all the work for mom.

Official Christmas Portrait – it only took 20 takes

Over the next few days we hit up Muscle Beach where I learned that I have literally no upper body strength, and the Santa Monica Pier. We experienced chaos rivaling Universal Studios when we went to the Griffith Park Observatory. And, most importantly perhaps, we celebrated my 40th birthday. We went to see Star Wars: The Last Jedi at the El Capitan Theater in Hollywood and dined at Osteria Mozza. Both really special treats topped up with really special gifts including an amazing  photo collage Alison put together with help from the rest of the family and the most special part of all was being able to celebrate with my family.

Griffith Park

Happy birthday to me

Jon and I spent a couple of days between family visits in Santa Monica enjoying the beachy side of LA and doing some America shopping. And as a birthday present, Jon took me to a super fun improv show at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater. Then we headed off to Texas…

Jon’s family was in the process of moving from Raleigh, NC to Austin, TX when we were in the US in July/August so we left them to manage their chaos without house guests.  This time they were not so lucky. We made sure to include a visit to their new digs in Austin.

Unfortunately, Jon and I both came down with bad colds just as we were getting ready to leave LA so we spent a fair bit of our time in Texas resting. The new Handel house was perfect for recuperating with a super comfortable quiet, dark guest room for snoozing and a nice open living area with lovely views of Lake Travis that we could enjoy from inside without venturing out into the surprisingly cold outside.

It was great to spend time catching up with Mary, Gene, Nick, Natasha and the latest family additions Luke and Lucy.

Luke and Lucy

Mary tested new recipes on us which made for some fantastic breakfasts and dinners, but the best part was being able to linger and chat. Jon managed to help Nick with math homework that I took one look at and gave up on.

I swear I used to be good at math. We got in lots of quality time and Jon made a new best friend.