Category Archives: Travel

A G.O.R.geous way to spend a day

One of the top must-dos in Victoria is to drive along the Great Ocean Road. The official drive starts about an hour away from Melbourne. Jon has gotten pretty good at driving on the wrong side of the road and in case he forgot there were plenty of reminders along the way…

Drive on Left in Australia

As with all trips, it’s hard to figure out exactly what things will be of interest ahead of time. Most travel sites advise spending a bit of time strolling around all the towns along the road. That might be a lovely way to spend a warm summer, spring, or fall day, but we’re in winter down here folks and strolling anywhere outside for long seemed like a bad idea. Now that I’m working, I figured I’d ask around for some advice on what to be sure to do and see. I learned that the town we planned on staying in was terrible and really interesting and that The Twelve Apostles were overrated and amazing. To each his own, I suppose! So we started our journey without too much of a clue about what we’d do. We booked a motel in Port Campbell so at least we had a destination at the end of the day.

With all that helpful input, I knew I at least wanted to see Bells Beach, a famous surfing beach. It did not disappoint.


There were a zillion surfers out in the huge waves. I could have stayed and watched all day, but that was just the start of the road so we had to move along.

Our next stop was the Anglesea Golf Club where kangaroo sightings are practically guaranteed. Once again, we were not disappointed. Roos, roos, everywhere!

Kangaroos at Anglesea Golf Club

Unfortunately, the wind was also everywhere and almost blew us over just trying to get a few quick pics. We’d hoped the golf course would have a cafe for some brekkie and roo watching, but alas it was more of a lunch spot so we moved along.

We made it to Lorne. One of the highly recommended towns to spend some time in. We didn’t see much of it, but we did explore just enough to find much needed food and coffee. The Bottle of Milk looked inviting  and served up just what we needed – I had a breakfast burger with everything but the kitchen sink on it (avocado and a hashbrown and… ) and Jon had scrambled eggs with pickles, yes pickles. Strange, but it all worked.

Well fortified, we ventured along, trying to not get our hopes up too high for our next stop. The guides all mentioned a spot along the road by Kennett River where koalas were easier to find than a cupcake in Clarendon. Once again, going three for three, we sighted koalas right away. The first two we saw were swarmed by other tourists and they were both sleeping so they looked like lumps in a tree. We decided to drive a bit further and got super lucky, seeing this guy straight away.

Koala in Kennett River Great Ocean Road

He was awake and probably would have come down and given us hugs if we’d stuck around longer.

We moved along, trying to figure out what to do next. The Cape Otway lighthouse looked interesting so we drove along that way and had our first let down. It was cloudy and rainy and the lighthouse cost money to enter. It might have been worth every penny on a clear afternoon, but we decided it wasn’t worth it when we probably wouldn’t be able to see anything. So we kept on driving, pulling over for a couple more koala sightings once we figured out you could stop almost anywhere, look around for a bit and find the little cuties.

Next up, we had a quick lunch that was rather lackluster and moved along to the big attraction… The Twelve Apostles. Anytime there is a mention of the Great Ocean Road there is also a mention of The Twelve Apostles. We pulled into the giant parking lot full of other tourists and prepared ourselves to be disappointed since it seemed our luck had turned. BUT, even with swarms of other people around, and cloudier weather than we’d started the day with, The Twelve Apostles lived up to the hype.

The Twelve Apostles Great Ocean Road The Twelve Apostles Selfie


In fact, the limestone cliffs all along this area were absolutely fantastic. We stopped at every lookout and attraction the rest of the way into Port Campbell and beyond (the next day) and all of them were amazingly cool.

Razorback Great Ocean Road

Rainbow Great Ocean Road

Single Apostle Great Ocean Road

As George Costanza would say… “the sea was angry that day, my friends”. Fortunately, we were up on the cliffs and not down in a boat where numerous shipwrecks occurred in the past giving this part of the Great Ocean road the very original nickname “Shipwreck Coast“. The angry sea also meant we couldn’t go down to the beach level by The Twelve Apostles via the Gibson Steps which was a bummer.

With our expectations for the GOR exceeded, we ventured into Port Campbell to find our lodging for the night. We stayed at the Port Campbell Motel and Apartments. A small place in a (very) small town that suited us to a tee. We had a fridge for our beer, a bed to sleep in and a short walk into town for dinner.

View of Port Campbell
View of Port Campbell

The next day hit a few more limestone cliff sights, grabbed brekkie at a terrific cafe, The Alcove, in Port Campbell and hit the road back to Melbourne, ready for our next adventure, joining Costco.


Mission Accomplished

Jon and I vacationed in Australia in 2011 and I always felt a nagging sense that we missed out on something. I am here today to let you know that nagging sense is completely gone now that we’ve seen…


That’s right, not just one, but TWO kangaroos in the wild. I can’t explain how exciting this was for me. I am not sure why, but it was just fantastic and now I feel like I’m really having an Aussie experience.

Backing up a bit, Jon and I took a trip this past weekend to the Mornington Peninsula. Jon rented a car and managed to do a superb job of driving us around on the wrong side of the road on the wrong side of the car all weekend.

Jon Driving

It took about an hour to drive to Mornington, the town we stayed in. We found a place to grab lunch in town and decided to head to Arthur’s Seat where I’d read we’d have a decent chance of seeing wildlife. We hiked the Arthur’s Seat circuit which allowed us to see these amazing views…

View from Albert's Seat

Against our better judgement, we ventured in this dark forest Scary Forest

to see what we could see. And we saw NOTHING. Don’t get me wrong, it was beautiful,


but NO roos, NO koalas, and thankfully no snakes. As I dejectedly walked back to the car, Jon got my attention and pointed out the best thing ever – a kangaroo in the wild! And then we realized there was another roo. Absolutely fantastic.

We’d already won the weekend, but decided to stay around anyway and checked into our lodging to celebrate. We stayed at the Mornington Bed and Breakfast which was fantastic. The view was even better than advertised and while the window between the bathroom and the bedroom was a little odd, putting down the curtain solved that problem.

BandBView BandBview2

We decided to check out God’s Kitchen, a restaurant and bar in a former church, a strange combination that somehow worked. We had a couple of good meat burgers for dinner and a couple of Sierra Nevadas to wash them down before settling in to watch whatever random movie was on TV.

The next day we enjoyed a home cooked breakie at the b&b and headed out along the coast to explore. We ended up in Point Nepean National Park where we hiked all the way out to the point with fantastic views along the way there and back.

Point Nepean Views

Point Neapan View
PointNeapanView2Point Neapan Jon Beach

Since we ended up hiking much more than originally planned, we decided we deserved a big lunch at the lovely Portsea Hotel followed by some scenic driving on the way to a pit stop at the Red Hill Brewery where we ran into a fellow wahoo – go figure!

The Portsea Hotel
The Portsea Hotel

That evening we decided to get Chinese food and found that the restaurant was BYO. We weren’t sure if that just meant wine or whatever. Fortunately, it was whatever, so we ventured up the street to buy beer and headed back for delicious Chinese food. I was about to order beef with chilli sauce. Luckily the waitress suggested I get rainbow beef instead. It turned out to be crispy beef which my Bowie pals will know well from Grace’s Fortune. So good! After that we decided to watch Young Guns from the b&b’s DVD collection – shockingly, it doesn’t hold up.

The next day we made our way back to the big city with Jon basically a total expert at driving on the wrong side now.