Monthly Archives: April 2015

One month in…

Well, I’ve been here a month now and am settling in to a routine.  I’m running on the trails and have even been playing in basketball leagues.  It is beginning to feel normal to be here.  Sometimes I even forget I’m in different country / hemisphere.  Then I go to catch a tram or train and find myself standing on the wrong side of the platform.  I still look both ways twice when crossing streets.  Oh, and then I see strange things that seem familiar in grocery stores.  Like this cereal:

Rice what now?
Rice what now?

Or I happen down the baking aisle and stop and double take when I see eggs.  Yes, eggs, not refrigerated.


Early on when I got here I went to a comedy show, and the Irish comic compared Australian culture to how schoolkids act when the teacher leaves the room.   I’m finding that description apt at times.

2015-04-12 16.02.04 2015-04-16 11.37.43

There was just of video out of their prime minister skolling (chugging) a pint of beer at a bar and it is just kind of shown on the news as a funny thing that happened.

I have signed up for a carshare service here, so my next goal is to take up driving so I can stop carrying groceries and beers back from the stores.  Also, I can become more confused by life here driving on the wrong side of the road from the wrong side of the car.  “Turn on Red” doesn’t seem to be legal.  Oh, and I’ll have to deal with trams and “hook turns”.

Footy Fever

Jon and I went to our first Australian Rules Football (aka AFL aka footy) game this weekend. The Collingwood Magpies faced off against the Adelaide Crows at Etihad Stadium. We bought general admission tickets and found seats behind a pastor and a midwife and in front of a bunch of hilariously sarcastic drunk Collingwood fans. Many things were similar to attending a sporting event in the US, but as with all things Australian there were some amusing differences. It seems like Aussies use the same four letter words we do including many complaints about “sh*t kicks” (typically kicks that went right to the other team). BUT they also use words like “putrid” and “filthy” with great fervor and those seem to be as offensive to some as actual swear words.

AFL general admission ticket
Ticket to my first footy game

The first half of the game befuddled us for the most part, though I like to think we got the gist of things. Lucky for us, at the half the pastor and midwife befriended us and explained so many things including
– the guys wearing all pink are “runners” who bring in messages to the players from the coaches, who sit up above the field
– the clock does stop for certain things, but they don’t show the game clock in the stadium so that players don’t know how much time is left

Then again, I’m not sure that last one explained anything. I did feel like I was able to follow the second half much better. I’ll get the hang of this eventually. It’s a really fast paced game with tons of action which makes it fun to watch even if you don’t know what is going on or why people keep yelling “ball”. And if that isn’t enough to keep you entertained you may get a chuckle each time the ball goes out of bounds and the umpire turns his back to the game and tosses it over his head back into play.

Our view of the field
Our view of the field

I’m hoping that following footy will help me understand some of the headlines around here. Or at least be able to make a high percentage guess on which ones are referring to the AFL and which are either rugby or soccer.

Here’s a quick test I gave myself… AFL, Rugby or Soccer? (hover over to see the answers)

Dons pip Hawks by two points

FFA, Glory set for drawn-out stoush

Thurston masterclass inspires Cowboys

Now since I don’t care about soccer or rugby, I can mostly avoid stories about them. Progress!