Monthly Archives: December 2017

Brisbane Fever

Jon and I followed the sun and warmth to Brisbane. Brisbane, or Brissy as the locals say, is in Queensland, the Florida of Australia. I’ll let you interpret that how you please.

Once Jon got back from his adventures around Australia with Jeff, we buckled down and focused on finding a more permanent place to live. We looked all around the inner suburbs and decided on a two bedroom apartment in Toowong.

Located within reasonable walking distance of two train stations, a shopping center, and with the easiest access to a running trail we’ve ever had, we are quite happy with the choice. It doesn’t hurt that it’s $1400/month less than our last place in Melbourne.

At first, we didn’t do much besides relish being in one place and sleeping in the same bed each night. Eventually that got a bit boring so Jon joined a social golf group and I took a few tennis lessons. Jon also started looking for a job while I returned to my job. Luckily my company wanted me back and had a local project for me to work on. I am working from home which is wonderful for the lack of commute, but a bit isolating at times. Jon kept me company for the first couple of weeks, but now he’s working too and his job actually gets him out of the house.

Our decision to move to Brisbane is working out so far. Some of the things we like here include:

* Gorgeous flowers including my absolute favorite, plumerias (frangipani)

and my possible new favorite, jacarandas

* Gorgeous weather

* Fantastic running trail (with entirely too much room dedicated for cyclists though)

* Lovely sunsets (view from our apartment) 

The jury is still out on a few things such as:

* Spiders (hand for scale)

* Bush turkeys

Fortunately, I don’t have any snake sightings to report yet.