Monthly Archives: February 2020

On the road

We became citizens on the 26th of January, got our stuff together on the 27th and hit the road on the 28th which somehow is only 2 weeks ago.

Starting Point

Our first stop was Coffs Harbour, a lovely coastal town in the “Mid North Coast” of New South Wales. We stayed in a fancy caravan park (fancy for a caravan park that is) right near Park Beach for 5 nights to start things off relaxy style.

Before we made it to our camp site though, we had to make a pit stop at the first of many “big things” which also happens to be the first thing that was a “big thing” in Australia… the Big Banana.

After getting our fill of the big banana, we set off to setup camp. It was the week that the new school year started so we had our spot mostly to ourselves with our closest neighbors two spots down and only on two nights.

Coffs Harbour camp site
One of the many lovely beaches in Coffs Harbour

The whole time we were in Coffs, it was hot and humid so the caravan park pool was a very welcome amenity.

Pool time at Coffs Harbour Caravan Park
Pool time at Coffs Harbour Caravan Park

We took a day trip out into the hinterland, driving along “Waterfall Way” to get to Dorrigo National Park. Not too long ago Waterfall Way was devoid of waterfalls due to drought, but recent rain meant we had plenty of falls to check out. The worst part for me, as with seemingly all scenic drives in Australia is that the road was super narrow, windy, and hilly. But it was scenic as promised and we got to do a lovely hike.

The usual scary item tally to watch out for on a hike in Australia
View from the Dorrigo lookout
The making of (the park had a cool place that you could lock in your camera for a selfie)

We mainly spent our time in Coffs Harbour exploring the area, checking out beaches and sitting around our camp site. It was a great time even with lots and lots of bird friends and fiendish mozzies early in the morning and at dusk 🙂

The birds got used to us being around after a while
Coffs Harbour view

After taking our time at our first stop, we’ve gone a bit mad and made it through 8 more stops in the next 9 days. I’ll leave it here for now so I can actually get something posted, but I’ll write more about the other stops soon.

Stops so far