A fortnight of nohobo

G’day everyone. Not sure if the word has made it through the series of tubes that is the internet yet, but I got a job. I started almost a fortnight (yes, they use that term here!) ago. It is strange to be working again, since most of you know I’ve been relying on my sugar-momma since the end of last year.

Anyhoo, I’m working at a hospital, which is going to be an experience. More specifically, I will be supporting the data needs of the Pathology department, which is conveniently located right next to the morgue!

Jobs in the public health sector here include something they call salary packaging.  Basically, it is a way of reducing your taxable income by using pre-tax money for certain things.  Those certain things appear to be just about anything! You get up to $9,000 for “living expenses” and then you can do an almost unlimited amount after that for “Meals and Entertainment” – meaning eating out or drinking out.  We are going to get our money’s worth out of that one for sure!

My stop for the hospital is right near a school.  I am thunderstruck every morning when I see the boys in the AC/DC uniform (jacket, shirt, tie, SHORTS).  Which reminds me, AC/DC is playing here a couple days after my birthday and I should buy tickets!

We saw an ad today for a Pizza Hut pizza that had Four’n Twenty Meat Pie crust, so it’s good to know they customize their terrible pizza ideas here too.

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