Christmas Memories

I was trying to think cold thoughts to cool off during these hot summer days and that reminded me to write about our Christmas-time trip back to the US. It’s full of warm fuzzy memories though so it didn’t help with the heat.

Our first stop was Austin, TX to see the Handel family. We enjoyed catching up with everyone over a rousing game of Top Golf and an afternoon at the Austin Zoo among other activities.

Nick, Natasha and Sara
Jon, Mary and Gene
Nick and Jon feeding a hungry goat

Our second stop was the DMV where we did all sorts of fun things with all sorts of fun people. Photo evidence of some of the fun follows below, but sadly not all the fun was captured. It was so great to catch up with so many people!

Guinness Brewery – Lyon, Alison, Sara, Jon, Kris, Amanda, Michelle
Adam, Tyler, Lizzy, and Zach – taking a “nice” picture at my request 🙂
Hanging out with Becky at the Wharf
Mike and Jon enjoying lunch
Hockey night – Adam, Sara, Mom
Hockey night – Lyon, Jon, Alison and Adam
Party night in Irvington part 1000 NYE Chris and Jon
Party night in Irvington part 1000 NYE Sara and Holly
Wiffle ball! – Adam, Lyon and Jon
Pre-shoot antics – Adam and Jon
Family photo shoot – Lyon, Adam, Jon, Alison, Mom, Sara

Luckily, it didn’t take quite as many takes to get this photo as it did last year.

Our last stop was California where we got to see Jon’s Mom and his brother Jeff as well as partake of all Jon’s favorite childhood foods – Round Table Pizza and In n Out Burger and Noah’s Bagels.

Jeff, Jon, Kathy and Sara

More to come soon (maybe) on our latest shenanigans in Australia. Until then, stop being such a cotton headed ninny-muggins 🙂

3 thoughts on “Christmas Memories

  1. Wow!!! Awesome memories!!! I love the family photo…very handsome family!!! Have fun and stay well!! Lots of love, Aunt Patti

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