
So, this happened:


My Thursday night basketball team won the Premiership (championship) in the B-Grade league.  That means we get promoted up to A-Reserve, with only A-Grade left above that.  Being in a higher grade should yield a better caliber of basketball, which will be nice.  I’m getting tired of the footy mentality of some of the teams we play against that seem to crave unnecessary physical contact.  Crazy to think I started this season shortly after I got here, and it is just now finishing up 6 months later.  Don’t worry, the summer season started the week after the grand final, so I’m already back at it . Our Monday team didn’t make the playoffs, so our goal for the summer season is the get the Monday team up one level.

Another major milestone that occurred:

Car1 Car2

We bought a sweet-ass ride.  This is our 2013 Toyota Yaris 4-door sedan.  As if driving on the wrong side of the car on the wrong side of the road was not challenging enough, we got a 5-speed manual to shift with our left hand.

We made our way onto the bowling green for the first time.  I hope to get to play again soon, because I was terrible.  I either got the right distance, or the right direction, never both.


Also, since we’ve been here, we’ve been looking for a Victorian number plate (license plate) with our shared initials on it, and we finally found it :


So we got that going for us, which is nice.

4 thoughts on “Milestones

  1. Is your basketball team the Plusses? If you Plus all your jersey numbers does it equal 100? Was the guy in front of you ever an extra in a Guy Ritchie movie? Is the car-buying experience in Australia any better? Are there less models to choose from? Is the Yaris as pimp as it looks? Does Australia even have its own car brand or is it all imports? What is the bowling green ground made of? It looks like carpet. Are you not allowed to wear shoes or socks? Or is Sara just wearing child’s sandals? Is lawn bowling more popular than regular bowling is in USA? Really, isn’t every day a “Handel Holiday”?

    Zack and Yasmine Ingbertsen will be very happy to find your license plate.

    1. Jeff – the team is “Z Plus” on Thursdays and “W Plus” on Mondays. I have no idea why, I’m just a ringer. The guy in front of me has not been in any movies, but he did go to high school with me – so he is relatively famous. The car buying experience here is pretty much the same level of awful with an added level of terribleness when paying. They wanted to charge us for using a credit card to buy their car. The Yaris is definitely *exactly* as pimp as it looks. Australia has a subsidiary of GM called Holden and they make sweet Utes (think El Camino) that are everywhere here.

      The bowling takes place on very firm grass. I was unclear on the exact rules, but it seemed easiest just to take our shoes off. Lawn bowling is definitely more popular here than the 10-pin bowling we are familiar with.

      I too hope Zack and Yasmine find closure as we did.

  2. So that guy has definitely been a some form of street hustler in a Guy Ritchie movie, whether he knows it or not.

    Do is it basically bocce? Or more like curling?

    1. More like curling I’d say – as the ball is weighted differently on each side, enabling a nice curve at the end.

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